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מאת leon_gol

פורסם בתאריך פברואר 24, 2024
יצירה מקורית: Too Young to Understand


Ripped away without a choice
Torn from my mama’s arms
Too young to have a voice
Or understand the alarms

The men are shouting loud
Their guns are waved in air
We hide in dirty crowds
As mama strokes my hair

My tummy hurts for food
My body hurts and tires
I wish I understood
Or could speak my desires

I want my soft, warm bed
My little baby toys
Instead we are jam-packed
Girl and boys

The people pray for me
My family calls my name
Waiting anxiously
To take me home again

I do not know of hate
Too small, I cannot see
That lines divides our fate –
My country or Gaza Strip

The leaders fight their wars
As we shiver and weep
My mama’s love implores –
“Let children safely sleep”

So as I wait captured here
For talks to set me free
I pray they persevere
To give all children peace

Return me to the land I know
Where rockets do not fly
Let healing rivers flow
And see goodwill try

  • Too Young to Understand

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