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Inspire other creators, authors and musician, sell your songs and lyrics or write your own melodies and words to others.

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How It Works?

The site serves as a platform for trading works of art such as songs and melodies.
Site members will be able to upload their works and offer them for sale as text and sound files.

  • The songs on the site can also be translated into different languages and the sale of the translations on the site will be divided between the original writer and the translator.
  • The purchasers from the website will be entitled to own the work including all rights associated therewith.
  • On the site, you can add melodies to songs or words to the existing melodies on the site and they will be displayed together but sold separately.

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Original Lyrics

219 Songs available

Original Music

0 Songs available

Translated Lyrics

0 Songs available

Lyrics & Music

0 Songs available

Popular Creators